Can you use dynamic text to report on KPIs?
This blog post will delve into the solution video for the WOW2024 W5 Sigma Computing Challenge. We've seen dynamic texts in other challenges, but this week combines the power of Table Summaries, think grand and overall data set calculations, and Sigma's easy-to-create dynamic options. Let's dive in!
Step 1: Add a new Table Element - 0:25
Step 2: Understanding Table Summaries - 0:50
Step 3: Add Open Rate Calculation - 1:15
Step 4: Handle Null Values - 1:48
Step 5: Percentage Formatting - 2:36
Step 6: Understanding Table Summaries vs Metrics - 2:39
Step 7: Add additional calculations - 3:29
Step 8: Bounce Rate Performance Calculation - 3:51
Step 9: Creating dynamic Text - 4:26
Step 10: Add Email Campaign Name Filter - 5:15
Step 11: Add other dynamic Text Items - 6:14
Email Campaign Subtype - 6:23
Non-dynamic text items - 6:44
Add Table Summary KPIs - 7:32
Step 12: Formatting and move to a new page - 8:44